14 Jul Ben Barrowman

Contact information: BBarrowman21@gmail.com / 518-817-3982
Website: www.ParmesanPig.com
About the Author: Ben Barrowman is the creator, author, and self-publisher of the Parmesan Pig Children’s Book Series. It all started in 2015 when his daughter invented a character, Parmesan Pig, among other food-animal characters. Feeling compelled to provide his children with stories about friendship and values, he wrote several books over the years. In 2022, he officially published the first two books in the series. Professionally, Ben works for Policy Research Associates, in Bethlehem, NY – the same town where he was raised and still resides. He works with Veteran organizations across the country to address the behavioral health needs of military, Veterans, and their families. This profession deals with themes of wellness, mental
and behavioral health, and peer support – all of which are core elements throughout the book series. Ben is married to Lauren, an elementary school teacher, who also grew up in Bethlehem. They have two children, Connor and Jane. You will routinely catch him on the sidelines of a sporting event. Lastly, Ben lives with Type-1 Diabetes, prioritizing exercise and healthy living habits.
Book titles/intended audience:
Parmesan Pig, published May 2022 (ages 4-10)
Parmesan Pig Saw What Was Needed, (sequel) Published Oct 1, 2022 (Age 4-10)
Parmesan Pig Small, Big and Beyond, (ages 4-10)
Parmesan Pig Is That a Fact?, (ages 4-10)
Parmesan Pig Always All Three, (ages 4-10) – coming in 2025
Presentations available for: Elementary School (grades PK-5)
Type of visit(s) available: In person, Live virtual, Pre-recorded
Visit details: The type of visit offered is flexible, from shorter visits to a full school day of programming. Examples of full day visits could include traveling from classroom to classroom, visiting up to 7 classes for 25 minutes each, or hosting larger groups of students for 45-60 minute sessions where students rotate in and out throughout the day. The presentation of each reading (anywhere from 20-45 min) is typically in 4 parts.
- Introduction: How the author went from writing stories to creating books. How the character names were invented with the help of his children, and how the books are about important social-emotional themes.
- Book readings: (1, 2, or 3 books depending on the time allotted). For larger groups of students (30+) a digital version of the book may be shown on a screen for all students to see.
- Follow-up discussion: Discussion, including questions and answers done at an age-appropriate level based on the grade(s) in attendance. Typically this would include discussion of what the students learned, certain character storylines that students connected with or have questions about, how they see themselves being a good friend in the same ways Parmesan Pig exemplified, and the parts of the story they enjoyed the most.
- Character activity: a large color poster of all 34 characters in the Parmesan Pig series is displayed and students guess the character names.
Read for RMHC discounted visit fee: Full day visit charge – $800. Shorter duration visits also available with a corresponding reduction in cost.
Availability: 1-2 visits per month
Notice required for scheduling: 1 month
Book order forms provided prior to visit? Yes, a 2-sided form is typically provided with event information on the front and order form on the back. Author requests order forms be returned about 4 weeks prior to the scheduled visit to allow selected books to be ordered, signed with a customized message to each student, and available on the day of the scheduled visit.
Book signing opportunity: Yes
To schedule a visit: email – BBarrowman21@gmail.com